Welcome to Four Seasons Selma

Four Seasons has been in Selma since 1984 and is locally owned and operated. At Four Seasons you can find all your gardening needs. Roses, shrubs, trees, perennials and annuals are always available for every season. In addition Four Seasons carries Fertilome and Hi-Yeild insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. Inside, check out our greenhouse full of houseplants and ferns, but not before shopping our seasonal gift shop.

Need a pot? We have everything from clay, concrete and decorative pots.

Need a wreath? Well at Four Seasons Bevelyn is there to help you create that special wreath. Whether it be for the holidays, for football, or for the perfect weddding or baby shower, a special wreath can be made at your request.

The staff at Four Seasons is here to help you with all your gardening, gift or decorating needs!